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Are you ready to release weight, have better energy & feel confident & sexy?

Without dieting or restricting yourself!

 Dieting, restricting calories and overexercising will not help you release the weight you want! 

I’m here to tell you that that is the old way of doing it and that way doesn’t work! If it did then you would have released the weight already, and kept it off.

It’s time that you have freedom from the scale and emotional eating so that you can start to thrive and feel confident and sexy in your body again. 



You can have results and not have to give up every food under the sun. 

You can release the weight without spending hours at the gym.

You can fit into your favourite dress again and still have all the energy in the world.

I get it, transformation can be challenging in the beginning but what is more challenging is not feeling like yourself and continuing to feel like you’ve failed and letting that feeling of failure push you to quit. 

I know this because I was also once there. I was very uncomfortable in my body and didn’t like what I saw reflected back at me in the mirror. 

I would jump on every diet and exercise bandwagon, only to have my results be short lived and gain the weight back. 
I was so uncomfortable in my body that I was turning down social engagements. I kept watching the number on the scale increase and would try yet another fad diet and still have no results.


After years of trial and error, I created the Shift || Thrive Group Program! 

Shift || Thrive helps you release the weight by taking a 360 degree approach to your health and lifestyle by combining stress management, nutrition, and mindset principles so that you can start to release the weight permanently and feel confident and sexy in your body again

What makes The Shift || Thrive Group Program so different from all the other weight release programs out there? It was created with 5 main pillars to help set you up for success. 

Shift || Thrive Group Program Results:


Through the unique 5 pillars of the program, you will learn how easy it can be to make the mindset, habits and behaviour shifts that are needed to release the weight and keep it off. 

Weight release isn’t just about the nutrition, there are many layers that contribute to your success. In addition to nutrition, each pillar builds on lifestyle and mindset such as stress management, subconscious reprogramming, sleep and emotional eating. 

When you join and work on all 5 pillars, you’ll start to see how easy it can truly be to release weight.

The best part about this? You won’t be doing it alone! 

I will be coaching you every step of the way and offering support not only through our weekly coaching calls but also in the private discussion forum. 

You’ll also be surrounded by a community of like minded women who will cheer you on every step of the process. 



BONUS: To help further your results


Meet your coach


Hi, I’m Tiana! The founder of the Shift || Thrive group program. 

I created the Shift || Thrive group program after years of yo yo dieting and doing everything wrong. 

I was so uncomfortable in my body that I was turning down social engagements. I kept watching the number on the scale increase and would try yet another fad diet and still have no results.

I would see results but they would never last. I kept thinking to myself ‘there has to be an easier way to do this.’ 

I realized that there was an easier way to do it. 

The only reason I was able to create this program was because my relationship with my body and food hit an all time low and I was in a dangerous place. 

I always thought that the more I did, the better the results. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Over-exercising and undereating made me chronically stressed and created more challenges for me like gut health issues, mood swings and my energy completely crashing. I could barely keep my eyes open during the day. 

I knew that I couldn’t live like that forever so I did my research. I studied holistic nutrition to learn how to fuel my body appropriately. I did a deep dive into female metabolism and hormones to learn how to honour my biology as I went on this journey and most importantly I became a certified mindset coach. I had to learn how to shift my identity to someone who truly valued their health. 

The biggest realization through all of this was that it wasn’t just about the food or the exercise. I had to work on my mindset and how I approached my transformation. Once I started to put it all together - the nutrition, movement and mindset tools - the weight and inches melted off. I had found the easier way, I found the sustainable way. 

The goal of this program is to make it easy for you to release weight so that you can step into the most powerful version of yourself and love what you see in the mirror. When you do this program, you’ll realize how easy it can be and how you will never go on another diet again.


Click ‘JOIN HERE’ to join the Shift || Thrive group program!

Shift || Thrive Group Program ($2,423 Value) + Bonus ($297 Value) = $2,720 Total Value


I came into this program with a very black and white mind set. My overall health journey felt like I was in the eye of a storm tumbling around based on where the wind took me. Now thirteen weeks later finishing the Shift Method with Tiana, I have found my footing and shaved 10 inches off my waistline. I am now able to look at my wellness journey from a 360 approach and how all my choices are connected. I have zero food guilt; I no longer label food as good or bad, I feel free.


Prior to joining the Shift Method group program, I wanted more energy and better nutrition. After doing the program I was able to shift several of my eating habits and learned to eat healthier. I really like how we set goals early on in the program and got so much value from the weekly coaching calls, especially the Q & A. I loved this program so much and really loved getting to work with Tiana! So happy I leaped.


Having never done a program like this before, I wasn’t sure if it was going to be sustainable for me and didn’t want to focus on weight loss. During the 12 weeks of being in the program I was able to develop better and smarter eating habits, especially dealing around hormones and my PMS and periods have gotten way better. I also learned how important stress management is to my lifestyle. I was also able to lose weight while eating more than I ever have. The program was also a lot of fun!


I decided to make an investment in my health this year and took part in Tiana’s program and am so glad that I did. This program provided me with the structure, knowledge and foundation I needed to help me reach my nutrition goals. I came to the program to improve my physical health, but did not expect to become more aware of my mindset and the importance of this in overall wellness. If anyone is confused on where to start in their nutrition and fitness journey, then I would recommend this program!


Prior to joining Shift || Thrive, I had tried previous programs that only worked short term because as I now know, they never touched on who I was as a person or where I hoped to be in the future. I was hesitant to join due to the cost but then realized the value that was provided through the coaching calls, the StrongHER program and the private discussion forum. At the end of the 14 weeks, I like myself a whole lot more after doing the internal work AND I’ve dropped pounds, inches (over 12!), cleared my skin, reduced my inflammation, and helped me just feel better in my own body.

This program has honestly helped me in more ways than I ever expected when signing up. 12/10 - would highly recommend it!


‘14 weeks is a lot of time!’

So what you’re really saying is that your health isn’t worth the time commitment. 

How much time have you spent on your own trying to get results and still haven’t seen the success you want?

The reality is that you are the only one responsible for making the decision and taking responsibility for your health. 

Just imagine you commit to the program and in 14 weeks you’re seeing inches melt off and fitting into your favourite clothes again. 

You’ll have access to all the tools and resources to make you successful and you are the only one who can decide that you are ready. 



THE ENTIRE PROGRAM is available today for 3 payments of $603 or 2 payments of $804.50 or you can save up to $400 by paying in full with one payment of $1,449. (NOTE: All prices in USD) 


  • Full access to all materials and modules 

  • Weekly coaching calls to go over materials and receive coaching from me

  • Replays of all meetings 

  • Private access to a members area for community support and discussion

  • Coaching support and guidance in between meetings in private members area Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm EST

  • Lifetime access to all resources and materials provided during our time together

You may be thinking….

I can’t afford this program.

Isn't it more important to invest in your health and work with a coach rather than spending more time trying to figure it out on your own?

Investing in your health will be the best decision you make and if at the end of the 14 weeks of your time in Shift || Thrive, you didn’t see results you wanted, you can contact us for a refund.

I don’t have the time right now.

The fact that you’re reading this means you want to improve your health and have better results when it comes to releasing weight. 

You’ve spent enough time playing trial and error, how much longer are you going to spend guessing what works and what doesn’t? Shift || Thrive is laid out for you step by step with all the tools and resources to set you up for results.

I’ll wait until later to join.

You could do that, but why would you want to delay feeling your best and seeing results? 

We always say later and life happens and if you’re like most women, it's probably going to be busier. So knowing that, wouldn’t it make more sense to start now?

Can I just purchase the program and not the coaching?

As the African proverb states ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ 

Part of what makes Shift || Thrive so successful is the group coaching aspect and being in community with other like minded women. Through the group coaching calls, you’ll realize that we all have similar experiences and we are never alone. You’ll also receive my coaching which will help you move through any setbacks or challenges you may be experiencing.